
9 June - 13 June

Israel Cultural Week

June 2024
9 June, 11:00
Film Screening: "A Matter of Size"
Cinema Agimi, Tirana
"A Matter of Size" tells the story of a group of overweight men from Israelwho are tired of diets and seek a new way to accept their bodies. They decideto become sumo wrestlers after a chance encounter with a Japanese coach. Thefilm addresses themes such as the presence of social stereotypes, self-acceptance, and the power of community. This film has touched the heartsof global audiences not only due to its unique humor but also for its profoundand universal messages. The characters are lovable and genuine, offering a warmand sincere portrait of their efforts to find happiness and personalfulfillment. Meanwhile, directors Sharon Maymon and Erez Tadmor have succeededin providing an original perspective on Israeli and universal culture.
10 June, 11:00
Art Workshop
Experimental Theatre,Arturbina
This choreography workshop will be led by renowned choreographers and performers Roni Chadash,Maya Schwartz Grego, and Ido Barak. Participants will explore the essence ofmovement and their unique creativity in the field of dance. Roni Chadash, anindependent choreographer and teacher, is acclaimed for the boldness andoriginality of his works, having won prestigious awards like the "IsraeliMinistry of Culture Award for Young Choreographers." Maya Schwartz Grego,an experienced tango expert, has led seminars and festivals internationally, sharing her knowledge and passion for this dance form. Meanwhile, Ido Barak,with his experience in the renowned "Vertigo Dance" company andcollaboration with Roni on the duet 'BODY #1', brings a rich and freshperspective to exploring body movements in dance. Participants will benefit from the experience and achievements of these art professionals, developingtheir skills in performance and creation in an inspiring environment built forknowledge exchange, ideas, and techniques.
10 June, 20:00
Modern Dance Show
Experimental Theatre,Arturbina
This is a modern dance performance directed by well-known choreographers and performers MayaSchwartz, Ido Barak, and Roni Chadash. The show promises the audience anamazing experience of movement and their exceptional creativity. Roni Chadash,an independent choreographer and teacher, is known for the boldness andoriginality of his creations, having won numerous awards including the"Israeli Ministry of Culture Award for Young Choreographers." MayaSchwartz, an expert in tango with extensive experience, has led performancesand dance events on international stages, sharing her passion and knowledgewith the audience. Meanwhile, Ido Barak, with his experience in modern danceand collaboration with Roni on the duet 'BODY #1', brings a rich and fresh perspective to the interpretation of the body and movement in dance. Theaudience will enjoy this exciting performance and be inspired by these talented artists.
11 June, 10:00-12:00 Children’s Workshop 16:00-18:00Student and Art Enthusiasts’ Workshop
Art Workshop - Mandala
Tirana Castle
In this Art Workshop led by Shirley Okev, aimed at children and students,participants will embark on a fruitful journey into the world of mandalas.Shirley Okev, a holistic therapist living in Kibbutz Kfar-Aza, uses the Albaum method and is a painter and organizer of mandala workshops for both childrenand adults. Mandala, as a circular and symmetrical painting, symbolizes balanceand perfection. By painting mandalas, participants strengthen their innerpeace, open their hearts, and help find focus and balance. Through this in spiring workshop, children and students will develop their creative skills, explore artistic expression, and build a deep connection with their creative process.
11-14 June, 9:00
Exhibition: “Serenity”
Tirana Pyramid
Most of the artworks in this exhibition were created before the onset of Black Saturday on October7, 2023. Focusing on their narratives conveyed through images, they raiseprofound questions about altered perspectives and indicators of risks affectingvirtual peace. The Bezalel Academy of Arts, a renowned institution in Israeland the very place where the Zionist Symbol Dictionary began, has initiated anew project, "Otefit’s Memory," inviting visual artists to rekindlethe idyllic calm of everyday life in these once-settled places. In thisexhibition, visitors will embark on a journey through altered images of locallandscapes.
13 June, 19:00
We Will Dance Again - Street Party
Reja, Tiranë
We close the week ofIsrael at “Reja” with a street party featuring three talented DJs, two Israelisand one Albanian. Alon Nazarov, known as "Jackalon," comes from Israel with a profound message for listeners, liberating the mind through music.Creating a new reality through sensitive sounds, he makes every moment experienced in a unique and inspiring way. Together with Oran Hayon and DJDoriKo, this festive evening will offer an extraordinary experience of rhythm,energy, and the positive sensations that electronic music conveys.

French Week