
2 June - 8 June

Italian Cultural Week

JUNE 2024
1 June, 20:00
National Theater of Opera and Ballet, Tirana
Puccini's masterpiece follows the tragic storyof Cio-Cio-San, a young Japanese girl who falls in love with American navalofficer Pinkerton. However, this love will have unforeseen consequences.
2 June, 20:00
Teatri i Butrintit
Puccini’s opera"Voci di Donne" is a special tribute to the heroines of Giacomo Puccini. Experience the intense drama of Tosca, the tragic fairy tale of Madama Butterfly, the sweet story of Mimì, and the mystical atmosphere of Turandot.Held at the historic Butrint Theater, this event promises to transport you to aworld of operatic grandeur and timeless tales, celebrating Italy's richcultural heritage through Puccini’s unforgettable characters.
3 June, 12:30
Italian GeneralConsulate, Vlorë
"Castelli in Riva al Mare" is a presentation different from the "NationalInstitute of Castles" in Italy, with the special participation ofPresident Michaela Stagno d'Alcontres. This event will explore the rich historyand cultural significance of Italy's magnificent castles, highlighting theirarchitectural values and beauty. Held at the Italian General Consulate inVlorë, the presentation offers an in-depth look at Italy's heritage through itsmost important castles. Discover the stories behind these enduring structuresand their role in Italy's cultural landscape.
3 June , 16:00
National Archaeological Museum, Tirana
A special conference will commemorate the centenary of the discovery of Butrint by the esteemedarchaeologist Luigi M. Ugolini. The event will feature the presentation of thereissue of his influential book, "Butrinto. Il mito d'Enea gliscavi," which delves into the myth of Aeneas and the archaeologicalexcavations of Butrint. Held at the National Archaeological Museum in Tirana,this conference offers a deep exploration of Butrint’s historical and culturalsignificance through Ugolini’s pioneering work. The event honors Ugolini’sresearch legacy and the enduring heritage of this ancient site.
3 June, 17:00
Consulate General of Italy, Vlora
The Neapolitan remake of "Creuza deMa" by Fabrizio De André. This album presentation invites you to immerseyourself in the soulful melodies and rich stories of Naples. Experience theessence of Italian culture as you embark on an exploration of evocative soundsand touching lyrics that convey the spirit of the Mediterranean. This eventpromises a very special evening of musical discovery, celebrating the timelesshistory of Neapolitan music.
3 June, 19:30
"Tonin Harapi" Hall, Artistic High School, Tirana
This will be an evening of musical brilliance with an impressive guitar performance by Roberto Tascini, as part of the 8thedition of the Albanian Guitar Festival. Held in the prestigious "ToninHarapi" Hall within the Artistic High School of Tirana, this nightpromises melodies for the heart from the virtuosity and mastery of Tascini.This event is a part of Italian culture, and music as a genre will be bestrepresented by the classic instrument of the guitar.
3 June, 20:00
National Theatre ofOpera and Ballet, Tirana
A mesmerizing concert featuring the talentedGesualdo Classic Duo, composed of Riccardo Zamuner on violin and NicoleBrancale on piano. Held at the National Theatre of Opera and Ballet in Tirana,this concert promises an evening full of soul, art, and timeless music.Everyone will be captivated by the harmonious melodies and dynamic performanceof Zamuner and Brancale as they showcase their skill and passion for thisgenre. The beauty of classical music should be experienced and enjoyed,especially in the magnificent setting of the theatre, where it takes on anelevated meaning.
4 June, 09:00
Artificial Lake of Tirana
Against the serene backdrop of the Artificial Lake of Tirana, the community comes together forRUN4AUTISM, an initiative by Progetto Filippide, supported by the Municipalityof Tirana. Schools will join under the theme "Run for Autism,"symbolizing solidarity and support for individuals on the autism spectrum. All participants will take steps not only in the race but also in promotingunderstanding and inclusion. This collective effort reflects the power of unityin breaking down barriers and promoting tolerance, making every step ameaningful contribution to a more conscious society.
4 June, 11:00
Consulate General of Italy, Vlora
Vlora embraces itsrole as the European City of Sport, with the Deputy Mayor of Vlora, KlevisKaso, and the Consulate General of Italy. This is Italian Sports Day, a livelycelebration that brings Italian athletic traditions to the beautiful andhistoric city of Vlora. Against the stunning and picturesque backdrop of Vlora,this event promotes cooperation and encourages a healthy lifestyle throughinteractive sports showcases and demonstrations. It’s a fantastic activity thathighlights the role of sports and their effect on bringing people together,serving as an excellent ambassador and inspiring international connections.
4 June, 11:00
Gramsh - "Kamber Dermyshi" Square
The charming setting of "Kamber Dërmyshi" Square in Gramsh will host a unique choir, the Bolzano A.N.A.Choir, directed by Maestro Werner Redolfi. They will bring to the audiencelocal melodies from the northern region of Italy. This extraordinaryperformance features a repertoire of folk songs from the Alpine region, curatedby the Associazione Nazionale degli Alpini. Their harmonious voices will echothrough the square, presenting a vibrant portrait of Alpine music, culture, andtradition. This showcase evokes a sense of nostalgia and appreciation for therich musical heritage of the region.
4 June, 12:00
Consulate General ofItaly, Vlora
"Italian Song and Sport: An EpicStory." This is a conference that reveals how sports have influenced thewriting of Italian songs. Led by music critic Annino la Posta, we will explorethe connection between athletics and Italian music. It’s an interestingperspective to understand how the themes of sports style inspire generations ofcomposers, enriching Italy’s cultural heritage. It will be a discussion unlikeany other and will celebrate the unity of music and sport in Italian culture.
4 June, 12:00
Vintage Car Club“Bari”
The beautiful tableau of the stone city will be complemented by a parade fittingfor this place. This is the stunning “Vintage” exhibition by the Bari Car Club.These beautifully restored vehicles will take you back in time, showcasing the elegance and style of a bygone era. The event will be accompanied by good musicand promises an entertaining experience for everyone. Get ready to be amazed by the charm and nostalgia of these vintage cars in the heart of Gjirokastër.
4 June, 21:00
Italian National Day Celebration
“Italia” Square, Tirana
On this veryimportant day for Italy, we have the honor of presenting an event that willcelebrate what this culture represents in the best possible way. Everyone willhave the opportunity to enjoy famous Neapolitan pizza at Pizza Village. Asection dedicated to the culinary culture, specifically the world-renowned pizza. In the evening, the atmosphere will be enlivened by the well-knownsinger Marsela Çibukaj, whose voice will convey melodies that evoke the essenceof Italy and its culture. Amidst the joyous atmosphere and a star-lit sky, attendees will experience a sensory journey through Italian culture and heritage. It is an evening of celebration and appreciation, uniting people in the spirit of admiration for Italy and its rich contributions.
5 June, 16:00
“Projects for the City”
Tirana Pyramid
This event will delveinto the realm of urban innovation, showcasing knowledge and insights fromrenowned architects Renato Capozzi and Federica Visconti. Part of the fourthmeeting in the TALKS@UNIZKM_2024 conference series, it focuses on ContemporaryItalian Architecture. Set in the Tirana Pyramid, attendees will have the chanceto explore architectural projects shaping the urban landscape. From sustainable design to innovative urban planning, this session offers a differentperspective on the future of cities, where creativity and functionality intersect to redefine urban life.
5 June, 19:30
Concert by Mezzotono
Onufri Museum, Berat
Mezzotono, a vocalorchestra renowned for their magical performances, brings a special evening to a venue that is a symbol of art, the Onufri Museum in Berat. This concertpromises a unique atmosphere, as Mezzotono presents a very special repertoire.They use only their voices and no musical instruments, showcasing an unlimitedpotential for vocal harmony. It is an unforgettable musical journey that transcends the need for instruments, allowing you to be captivated by both thesounds and the venue itself, which is filled with the works of the master Onufri.
5 June, 20:00
Chorus of Bolzano A.N.A.
Echoes from theAlpine region will resonate at "Reja" in Tirana, as the Chorus ofBolzano A.N.A., under the direction of Maestro Werner Redolfi, takes the stage.This performance features a selection of cherished folk songs from theAssociazione Nazionale degli Alpini. Amidst the urban landscape, the choirtransports the audience to picturesque mountains with their harmoniousmelodies, evoking a sense of nostalgia and cultural richness. This showcaseinspires appreciation for the rich musical heritage of the region.
5-9 June
Art Screen
From June 5th to 9th, Shkodër hosts the eighth edition of "Art Screen," a comprehensive artistic festival that transcends traditional boundaries. This festival offersa diverse range of experiences, including the screening of films, documentaries,and videos that explore contemporary art. Meet artists and curators throughin-depth meetings and discussions, delving into the creative process and theevolving landscape of contemporary art. With every exhibition and interaction,Art Screen promises to inspire and provoke thought, inviting attendees toexplore the boundless realms of artistic expression.
6 June, Ora 10:00
Zecchino d'Oro
ArTurbina, Tiranë
The venue will transform into a lively play area for all children with the music and energy ofthe Zecchino d'Oro concert. This musical event is a haven of energy and emotion, specially curated to delight the imagination of the little ones. Withcarefully chosen melodies tailored to their tastes and enjoyment, children areinvited to sing and dance, creating a beautiful atmosphere. It’s a celebrationwhere laughter is constant, and everyone becomes part of endless fun.
6 June, 12:00
“Il Brigantaggio e la Questione Meridionale”
Konsullata e Përgjithshmee Italisë, Vlorë
This event offers anelegant exploration through the books "Le calze del brigante" byGiuseppe Cervo and "Ninco Nanco deve morire" by Eugenio Bennato,edited by Annino La Posta. Discover the intricate narratives and historicalinsights embedded within these works, shedding light on the complex dynamics ofthe Southern Question and the phenomenon of brigandage in Italy. It is apresentation that stimulates thought and provides a profound understanding ofItaly's rich cultural and historical backdrop.
3-30 June, 18:00
Carissimo Pinocchio
National Theater ofOpera and Ballet, Tirana
From June 6th to30th, embark on an unprecedented journey at the National Theater of Opera and Ballet in Tirana with "Carissimo Pinocchio." This unique designexhibition, curated by the ADI Museum, commemorates the 140th anniversary ofthe first edition of Carlo Collodi's timeless masterpiece, "Le Avventuredi Pinocchio - Storia di un Burattino." It’s a world where imaginationknows no bounds, offering the opportunity to view innovative and artisticinterpretations inspired by the immortal tale of Pinocchio. From imaginativeinstallations to character-driven designs, "Carissimo Pinocchio"celebrates the legacy of the literary classic, inviting visitors to rediscoverthe magic of Pinocchio’s adventures in a contemporary context.
6 June, 19:30
Italian National Day Celebration
Lungomare Square,Vlorë
Lungomare Square in Vlorë will host an exhilarating celebration in honor of Italian National Day. The festivities willfeature a delightful presentation of typical Calabrian products, offering ataste of the rich culinary heritage of the region. In the evening, prepare tobe energized by the performances of renowned artists Eugenio Bennato and theRione Junno group, whose shows promise to light up the square. The spirit ofthe day is all about celebrating the culture and rich heritage of Italy, withpieces of this culture coming alive on the picturesque coastline of Vlorë.
6 June, 20:00
Vintage Car Club “Bari”
Sarandë will turninto a time capsule of automotive history as the Vintage Car Club “Bari” bringsa parade to the city. Experience the spectacle and closely observe eachvehicle, as each one is a testament to timeless elegance and craftsmanship.Against the backdrop of the Sarandë coastline, the audience will have theopportunity to enjoy the view, feel the energy of the retro cars, and all ofthis will be accompanied by good music, making the evening filled with memoriesand celebrating the role that retro vehicles play in the broad tapestry ofculture.
7 June, 10:00– 13:00
Open House at the Italian Residence
Italian Residence
The doors of theItalian Residence will open to the public, hosting a contemporary artexhibition in collaboration with Harabel. This exhibition is expected to be arealm of artistic exploration, where each room becomes a gallery space filledwith captivating works by contemporary artists. This special event offers arare opportunity to discover the vibrant creativity of Italian art whileenjoying the elegant environment of the Italian Residence.
7 June, 11:00
Azione Terzo Paradiso
Skanderbeg Square,Tirana
Skanderbeg Square inTirana will host "Azione Terzo Paradiso," a dynamic performancecurated by the Cittadellarte - Pistoletto Foundation. With over 200 studentsfrom the city's schools participating, this event promises a spectaculardisplay of creativity and collaboration. Through a fusion of art and activism,the youth will come together to explore themes of sustainability, community,and interconnectedness, embodying the vision of "Azione Terzo Paradiso.”The square will transform into a vibrant space of unity, inviting everyone towitness the power of collective action in shaping a better future.
7 June, 11:00
Biblioteka “Apostol Meksi”, Gjirokastër
The "Apostol Meksi" Library in Gjirokastër will host "Briganti, Scrittori eCantanti," a conference dedicated to exploring the influence of theItalian language and culture. Discover the rich history of Italian literary heritage and its impact on the ancient city known for its deep cultural connections. This conference aims to present several Italian works, offering abrief insight into the literary treasures that have shaped minds and heartsacross generations. At its core, it’s a celebration of language, culture, andthe enduring link between Italy and Gjirokastër.
7 June , 17:00
Italy and Albania in Cinema
Cinema, Gjirokastër
This 1994 filmprovides a poignant portrayal of the period following the fall of communism inAlbania and the connection between Albania and Italy during that time. The filmexplores themes of human nature and desires, highlighting how misguided choicescan have significant consequences. The event will be further enriched by thepresence of renowned actor Enrico Lo Verso, who will share his experiences andoffer an original perspective on the film’s creation. This is a rareopportunity to delve into the shared history of the two countries and reflecton the influences of that tumultuous period.
7 June, 19:00
Cinema, Gjirokastër
The Gjirokastër Cinema will come alive with "Briganti e Taranta," a concert by therenowned group Rione Junno. As key figures in the world of ethnic music, RioneJunno offers a dynamic performance that blends traditional melodies withcontemporary elements, envisioning the future of music. They are excellentambassadors of the region they represent and of ethnic music, which theycontinue to preserve and enhance today. This concert promises a festiveevening, showcasing the rich heritage and innovative spirit of ethnic music.It’s a chance to experience soulful melodies that connect the past with thepresent, creating an unforgettable musical journey.
7 June, 11:00
“Italia” Square,Tirana
The heart of Tirana,“Italia” Square, will pulse with the magnetic energy of Diodato, the acclaimedwinner of the prestigious Italian Sanremo Festival with his hit song "FaiRumore." With two David di Donatello awards under his belt, Diodato brings his best music to Tirana for an unforgettable live concert. The evening will be warmed up by renowned Albanian artists Kamela Islamaj and Shpat Deda. The nightpromises to be a memorable musical celebration under the starry sky of Tirana.
8 June, 21:00
Tunel Terrace, Tirana
Talented DJ Fred Simon will bring a carefully curated set of music to Tunel Terrace. The evening isexpected to be a night of dancing to the rhythms of disco, boogie, and funk.For enthusiasts of these music genres, this is the perfect opportunity to enjoyFred Simon’s music and socialize with others who share a passion for specific segments of music and nightlife in Tirana.
8 June, 21:00
Rozafa Castle,Shkodër
Rozafa Castle in Shkodër will transform into an electrifying venue with the music of DJ Jolly Mare.Her music is unique as it blends electronic beats with Mediterranean sounds,promising a night of dancing, fun, and exploration of new sounds. Within theancient walls of the castle, DJ Jolly Mare will create an unforgettable atmosphere, merging the old with the new. Enjoy this special experience as you dance in a magical setting surrounded by the rich cultural heritage of Rozafa Castle.
8 June, 20:00
“Aleksandër Moisiu” Theater, Durrës
Durrës will vibrate differently with a super celebration. "Taranta Night"features the energy of the renowned group Rione Junno. Known as major figuresin the world of ethnic music, Rione Junno offers a dynamic performance thatmerges traditional melodies with contemporary elements. They are excellent ambassadors of their region and of ethnic music, which they continue topreserve and enhance today. This concert promises a festive evening, highlighting the rich heritage and innovative spirit of ethnic music. It’s anopportunity to experience soulful melodies that connect the past with thepresent, creating an unforgettable musical journey.

French Week