
12 September  - 15 September

Turkish Cultural Week

12 - 13 September , 20:00
Concert of Turkish Pearls Music
Artistic Lyceum Jordan Misja –     Tirana (September 12th)
Aleksandër     Moisiu Theatre – Durrës (September 13th)
A selection of works by Ahmet Adnan Saygun and Ulvi Cemal Erkin, twopioneers in the field of Turkish music composition, will be performed by theartists of the Istanbul State Opera and Ballet. These performances are aimed atintroducing the Albanian audience in Tirana and Durrës to the unique qualitiesof Turkish folk music in a universal and inclusive manner. The concerts willshowcase the harmony and distinctive melody of the musical notes, guaranteeingan unforgettable experience.
12 - 15 September , 14:00 
Exhibition “Leaves from Turkish Culture"
“Sotir Kolea” Center – Tirana
This exhibition offers a captivating exploration of Turkey's deepcultural heritage, including ancient traditions, iconic figures, and historicalevents. Each work in the exhibition is dedicated to Yunus Emre, a figure ofsignificant importance in the cultural mosaic of Anatolia, after whom the YunusEmre Institute is named. “Leaves from Turkish Culture" includes texts andvisual images that bring these cultural elements to life.

French Week