
16 September - 22 September

British Culture Week 

16 September,  19:00-22:00
"BED: A Provocative Performance Art Installation"
NAAN Gallery, Tirana
Explorethe new performance by Jez Dolan, BED, at NAAN Gallery. This event is a tributeto Derek Jarman's iconic installation at the Third Eye Centre in Glasgow(1989). The original installation featured two men in a bed surrounded bybarbed wire, tabloid headlines stigmatizing lesbian, gay, and HIV+ communities,and mattresses adorned with tar and feathers on the walls.

JezDolan's BED is a modern interpretation of this exhibit, reflecting thediversity of the LGBTQIA+ community in 2024. The couples featured during theperformance will change every 45-60 minutes and will engage in quietconversations, reading, or sleeping throughout the day.
17  September,  18:00
CinematicMasterclass: The Creative and Low-Cost Film Production by Mike Figgis
Agimi Art Centre &Cinema
Join renowned director MikeFiggis for an exclusive masterclass aimed at fostering knowledge transferbetween the film industries of the United Kingdom and Albania. This eventoffers a fantastic opportunity to learn from a distinguished professional andcontribute to the development of the next generation of Albanian filmmakers.

Participants will have thechance to explore new techniques and approaches in filmmaking and engage infruitful discussions that will help advance the film industry in Albania.
18 September,  10:00-12:30
TowardsInnovative Culture Policy: UK, Sweden, and Albania in Dialogue
Main Hall ofPiramida, Tirana
A conference featuring expertsfrom the United Kingdom, Sweden, and Albania aimed at fostering a meaningfuldialogue for the concrete improvement of art and culture legislation. Drawingon best practices from our region and across Europe, this conference seeks toexplore policies that truly support and empower the creative community in ademocratic and inclusive manner.
19 September,  10:00-15:00
StrengtheningUK-Albania Partnership in Visual Arts: A Public Meeting with Gilly Campbell
Piramida Tirana
An open event offering a greatopportunity to discuss ways to strengthen collaboration between the visual artssectors in the United Kingdom and Albania. Gilly Campbell, a representativefrom the Arts Council of Northern Ireland, will be the special guest and willshare valuable insights on grant distribution and strategies for fosteringartistic growth.

This discussion is open toanyone interested in advancing international collaboration in the visual artsand will provide important information on how to support artists and artisticprojects in both countries.
19 September,  11:00-14:00
Codingthe Future: Micro andYouth Empowerment
Centre of New Perspectives Project - Has
Be part ofthe transformative power of collaboration between the United Kingdom andAlbania in education and technology. Students from northern Albania willshowcase the new skills they have acquired through the Alternative Pathwaysproject, demonstrating how our partnership is preparing the next generation fora digital and inclusive future.
19 September,  19:00
UK Film: The Visionary World of Mike Figgis
Agimi Art Centre &Cinema - Tiranë
Join renowned director MikeFiggis for a special screening of his acclaimed film, "Timecode."Following the screening, the audience will have the opportunity to participatein an inspiring and informative discussion on experimental film production.

Don’t miss this chance to learnfrom a master of the film industry and explore the art of experimentalfilmmaking!
20 September,  22:00 - 03:00
Species x Rebel Community: Cross-Cultural BeatsDancing for UK-Albania Friendship
Minus 1 Car Parking atSkanderbeg Square - Tirana
An electrifying atmospherecreated by a unique fusion of electronic rhythms with top artists from theUnited Kingdom and Albania. This event showcases the talent of young artistsfrom both countries, celebrating the power of music to forge new artisticcollaborations and strengthen international friendships in the artistic andcultural spheres.
21 September - 22 Shtator ,  11:00
AUK-Inspired Advanced Textile Expo
Children's Cultural Center,Durrës
This event showcases thecreativity that arises from cultural partnership between Albania and the UnitedKingdom. Talented Albanian fashion students will display designs inspired byBritish artists. The exhibition illustrates how international inspirationcontributes to driving local innovation and promoting new ideas in the fashionindustry.
21 September,  13:30 – 19:00
EA Festival - Liri dhe Transformimit: Dita 1
Children's Cultural Center,Durrës
Engage with inspiring speakerssuch as Lea Ypi, Sir Noel Malcolm, Olivia Sudjic, Baroness Shami Chakrabarti,and Misha Glenny on topics ranging from shared history to human rights. Thisintellectual exchange highlights our commitment to fostering open dialogue andmutual understanding.
22 September,  14:00 – 19:00
EA Festival - Freedom and Transformation: Day 2
National Theater of Operaand Ballet, Tirana
The intellectual exchangejourney continues with Peter Frankopan, Sally Hayden, and William Sieghart,culminating in a mesmerizing concert by Alda Dizdari and Camilla Pay. This daycelebrates our literary connections and shared musical heritage.

French Week