mexican cultural week

November 2024
13 Novermber, Time 11:00
Diplomacy and Culture
COD - Center for Openness and Dialogue
In an engaging and in-depth discussion with the Ambassador of Mexico toItaly, His Excellency Carlos Eugenio Garcia de Alba Zepeda, we will explore theclose connection between diplomacy and culture, and how they can contribute tostrengthening international relations. During this meeting, Ambassador Garciade Alba will share his experiences as a diplomat, highlighting the role ofculture as a powerful tool for promoting peace, understanding, and global cooperation.
13 November, Time 15:00
Inauguration of the Alebrije Sculpture “Monarch Child”
TKOB Lobby - Tirana
The Alebrije sculpture has been created to mark the 50th anniversary ofdiplomatic relations between Albania and Mexico. This artistic project featuresa sculpture that symbolically combines an Albanian goat and a migrating Monarchbutterfly, illustrating the friendship between the two peoples through elementsof their fauna. The decorative part of the sculpture is painted with acryliccolors and includes special motifs from the cultural traditions of both countries,such as elements of Albanian craftsmanship and the “xhubleta” (traditionaldress), reflected through the interpretation of artist Ricardo Macías,alongside Mexican Otomi embroidery. This work is a rich fusion of cultures,symbolizing the deep connection between Albania and Mexico.
13 November, Ora 19:00
Screening of the documentary "Caravaggio, Soul and Blood"
Marubi Film Academy - Tirana
Kjo është një shfaqje artistike e kërcimit modern, e drejtuar nga koreografët dhe interpretuesit e njohur Maya Schwartz, Ido Barak dhe Roni Chadash. Kjo shfaqje premton për publikun përjetimin e një përvoje të mahnitshme të lëvizjes dhe krijimtarisë së tyre të shquar. Roni Chadash, koreografi dhe mësues i pavarur,është vlerësuar për guximin dhe originalitetin e krijimeve të tij, duke fituar çmime të shumta, përfshirë "Çmimin e Ministrisë së Kulturës së Izraelitpër Koreografët e Rinj". Maya Schwartz, një eksperte e tango-s me përvojëtë gjerë, ka udhëhequr shfaqje dhe performancë të lëvizjes në skena ndërkombëtare, duke ndarë pasionin dhe njohuritë e saj me audiencën. Ndërsa IdoBarak, me përvojën e tij në kërcimin modern dhe bashkëpunimin me Ronin në krijimine duetit 'BODY #1', sjell një perspektivë të pasur dhe të re në interpretimin e trupit dhe lëvizjes në artin e kërcimit. Audienca do të shijojë këtë performancë emocionuese dhe do të inspirohet nga këta artistë kaq të talentuar.
14 November, Time: 11:00
Masterclass "Between Fiction and Documentary, Find Your Own Voice"
Marubi Film Academy - Tirana
A masterclass with one of the most renowned and successful directors inEurope and beyond. Over the past 20 years, Jesús Garcés Lambert has directedand written documentaries for some of the most famous platforms andbroadcasters in the world, including Amazon Prime, National Geographic, ArteFrance, Sky, History Channel, BBC, RAI Italia, and many others. His films havebeen broadcast in more than 160 countries, reaching a global audience.
14 November, Ora 12:30
Screening of the documentary "Where Are You?"
Marubi Film Academy - Tirana
The award-winning documentary "Where Are You?" explores the stories of refugees who are forced to cross national borders in search of a safer and better life. This artistic project was inspired by a unique photograph taken by Italian photographer Massimo Sestini, who captured the moment from the air during a helicopter flight. His image stood out from other she had taken previously, representing a powerful symbol of hope and suffering for those who entrusted the sea and Europe with their lives in search of survival and a better future.
14 November, Time 18:00
Conference with the Ambassador and Signing of the Mou between AIIS and COMEXI
Tirana Times Bookstore - Tirana
This special event marks the 50th anniversary of diplomatic relations between Mexico and Albania, a historic moment to celebrate the friendship and cooperation between the two peoples. During this event, a conference on the topic “Mexican Diaspora and Public Policies” will be held, led by Ambassador Carlos Garcia de Alba. Additionally, the Memorandum of Understanding(MOU) will be signed between AIIS (Albanian Institute for International Studies) and COMEXI (Mexican Council on Foreign Affairs), opening new opportunities for further collaboration and development in the fields of diplomacy and science.
14 November, Ora 20:00
Tequila Tasting and Mexican Cuisine
Destil Creative Hub - Tirana
This evening will offer a unique menu, bringing to the table some  of Mexico's most traditional and beloved dishes, which hold special meaning for Mexicans, especially those living abroad. Dishes such as tamales (comfort food), tacos (street food), and chile relleno (a festive dish) are deeply connected to the land and cultural memories. These dishes will be infused with Albanian nuances, creating a beautiful connection between the two cultures and territories. This culinary journey will be accompanied by a tequila tasting, providing an unforgettable experience of blending flavors and traditions.
16 November, Ora 19:00
Orthodox Cathedral - Tirana
Israel Varela will perform a selection from his 10th album, FRIDA ENSILENCIO, which is a tribute to the Mexican art icon, Frida Kahlo. This album brings to life love letters and elements from her works, transforming them into a profound emotional experience through music. During the evening, he will also perform compositions from his other album, ELESIUS. Varela's original compositions represent a unique fusion of jazz with the energetic rhythms of flamenco, incorporating elements of the study of compositional geometry in sacred symbols, inspired by Pythagoras, and the spiritual influence of John Coltrane. This is a musical journey that blends different traditions and opens new horizons through sound and melody.

French Week